
Where do we come from? (Our story)

After graduating in economics and English and acquiring a diploma as officially certified foreign correspondent I (Sabine) started my professional career in travel management for large European and American corporations.

9 years later, in 1994 I founded my first own business in Munich, AmerAsia DIRECT, a special interest tour operator for North America and Southeast Asia. We offered niche products for these regions you couldn't find at ordinary travel agencies thus we enjoyed a rapidly growing customer base.

From a mere tour operator, we quickly developed into one of the leading full service incentive agencies in southern Germany with a technology know-how that was unparalleled in the industry at that time.

This successful development was pretty much owed to the fact that my husband Guenter gave up his position as head of a strategic marketing department at a well-known, global communications company to join our business full time. He holds a bachelor degree in communications technology from the University of Applied Science in Munich and brought in profound experience in international marketing and sales. Together we combined an extensive knowledge and experience in the areas of corporate consulting, motivational concepts, marketing, tourism and information technology.

As a Full Service Incentive Marketing Agency we implemented performance improvement programs and organized numerous incentives and events around the globe with up to 1,000 participants.

C-suite executives of renowned companies entrusted us to achieve their goals. Public and private television channels, international banks and insurance companies, strategy consultants and tourism boards were among our satisfied customers. Just to name a view:

After all these years, we're proud to say that even today we still meet participants telling us about the unforgettable moments they had on these trips.

Already back in 1998 we were nominated and rewarded by IBM® and the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) for the development of TRIPSTM/SM,
Travel Reservation, Information & Planning System, with the 'E-business Development for Growing Enterprises (eDGE) Fund Award'.

Where are we going?

After decades in corporate consulting, software development and implementation of numerous incentive projects we came to a halt. Like many of you out there we were working hard and long hours, commuting to and from the office and getting stuck in traffic, facing increasing health issues... And then you realize how fast the years were flying by and you start thinking about your lifespan. You think about your meaning in this world and the impact you leave behind... And you think about your 'bucket list', about the things you want to accomplish, places you want to see and experiences you want to make..

After talking to many people we found that an overwhelming majority of Boomers and 50plus agers are facing the same or a similar situation and are looking for answers on questions like this:
  • Where and how can I afford a good standard of living in retirement age?

  • What can I still do at my age to secure a better lifestyle for the second half of my life?

  • I'm longing for a warm, sunny climate. I finally want to live my dreams and not have to work until 67, 70 or even longer. But how?

  • Will my Social Security pay for the lifestyle I want?

  • What happens when a family member becomes an intensive care case or I become a nursing case myself?
    Could I pay for adequate care at home or a nursing home?

  • Actually, I have provided for my retirement, but how can I save my savings in times of low interest rates and possible cash restrictions?

  • I want to have the feeling of being needed.
    I want to have recognition and not being "scrapped" just because I'm over 50 years old.

  • I have enough of the daily grind? How can I finally live the life I want to?

  • ...

Our personal situation made us investigate and visualize a 'better life 50plus'. After extensive research in the last 5 years we found that unless you're prepared to search the internet for months, you may not find the solutions you are looking for. We haven't found any single, 'all-in-one' website addressing the major topics, problems and pain-points of the 50plus audience in its entirety. This led us to the conclusion: If there is no such platform we have to create it!

During the past four years and with the help of 25 renowned software developers and marketing experts we developed BetterLife 50plus in our US-based company LifeStyle Consultants LLC. Our goal was to create an all-in-one platform which addresses the challenges, interests and passions of our 50plus community - a place we would go to ourselves to seek answers to our questions.

Today we are proud to announce that BetterLife 50plus includes:

BetterLife50plus.com or (in short) BL50plus.com
is an Online Platform and Information Portal in the format of a 365/24/7 virtual Tradeshow and Conference exclusively for English and German speaking baby-boomers and the 50plus audience in the US and Europe.

Our mission is to provide food for thought, INSPIRE people, deliver valuable information and facts, and finally EMPOWER our audience to make a change in their live by CONNECTING them with experts, organizations and suppliers.

is Your Gateway to Meaningful Travel Experiences.

We were all born to explore the world but our focus, interests and values have shifted. This is why Travel-50plus will focus on travel experiences of high quality, with an emphasis on enjoying life, exploring the world, learning new things, doing something meaningful and doing the things we love.

Explore the best international retirement havens of this world.
Part of Travel-50plus are our fully escorted well balanced RETIREMENT FACT FINDING TOURSTM which let you combine a wonderful vacation with gaining valuable insight knowledge.

With our unique Retirement Fact Finding Tours we EMPOWER participants to create their personal roadmap to a part-time or full-time retirement overseas by acquiring profound country specific information and directly CONNECT them with government bodies and local experts on site.

Our 50plus MARKETING ACADEMY is an educational B2B platform, to help government bodies, tourism organizations and suppliers to better understand what Boomers and 50plus agers are really looking for and what they need to do in order to successfully connect and engage with the 50plus target audience.

Through the promotion of long-term tourism and retirement migration, resulting in the creation of new jobs, BetterLife 50plus will also contribute to the socio-economic status of a country.

BetterLife Foundation
We want to give something back to society.
The mission of our Better Life Foundation is to make a positive change in the lives of older people who can't help themselves anymore, who are in urgent need of food, shelter and medical assistance, and to enhance the lives of older people with special needs.

As a rule of thumb ten percent of the net income generated thru BetterLife 50plus will be donated. If you book your next trip thru BetterLife 50plus, buy an ebook or information product, you're doing something good, not only for yourself but also for the elderly who are not that blessed.

Our Mission is to INSPIRE – EMPOWER and CONNECT people on their journey to a better life 50plus

We invite you to register und visit BetterLife50plus and Travel-50plus regularly, completely free of charge. Browse thru the steadily growing exhibition, benefit from the variety of free services, engage in an active, direct dialogue with experts, find answers to your questions and solutions to your problems in our conference section, make new friends by networking with like-minded individuals, organizations and interest groups. There is so much for you to discover and experience.

In the upcoming months and years we will provide you with comprehensive and valuable information on various topics and destinations.

But most important: We need you and your feedback. We need you to tell us what's on your mind, what kind of information you're looking for and what kind of topics you would like to be covered and shared on BetterLife50plus.

Our vision is to become The Number One and most known online platform in the United States and Europe for anyone nearing or over 50 looking for a happier, healthier and wealthier life.

Last but not least, bear with us please. We've just started, but BetterLife 50plus is going to be a LIFE CHANGER. Promise!

Register now, get informed, find solutions and act.

We look forward to serving you.

Guenter & Sabine Sponsel Founder BetterLife 50plus

We help businesses and organizations from different industries to achieve more economic success by engaging with the constantly growing 50plus target audience.
Want to move forward or have questions
Contact Us
+1 480 409 1760
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